Foreign Languages in Dutch

Phrases (Learn Foreign Languages) with Audio


Learning a foreign language in the Netherlands, particularly in Dutch, has several benefits, both personal and professional.

Firstly, Dutch is not spoken widely outside the Netherlands and Belgium, so learning a foreign language such as English, French, German, or Spanish can greatly improve communication with people from other countries. It can also increase your employability in international companies that require employees who can speak multiple languages.

Secondly, learning a foreign language can improve cognitive skills, including memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It can also enhance cultural awareness and empathy by exposing learners to different cultures, customs, and perspectives.

Foreign Languages in Dutch

Language Dutch Phrase Translation
English Hallo Hello
French Comment ça va? Hoe gaat het? (How are you?)
German Ich verstehe nicht. Ik begrijp het niet. (I don’t understand.)
Spanish Adiós Tot ziens (Goodbye)
Italian Buongiorno Goedemorgen (Good morning)
Portuguese Obrigado/a Dank je wel (Thank you)
Swedish Tack Dank je wel (Thank you)
Norwegian Ja Ja (Yes)
Danish Undskyld Excuseer me (Excuse me)
Finnish Kiitos Dank je wel (Thank you)
Russian Спасибо Dank je wel (Thank you)
Polish Dziękuję Dank je wel (Thank you)
Czech Dobrý den Goedendag (Good day)
Slovak Ďakujem Dank je wel (Thank you)
Hungarian Köszönöm Dank je wel (Thank you)
Turkish Merhaba Hallo (Hello)
Arabic شكرا Dank je wel (Thank you)
Chinese 你好 Hallo (Hello)
Japanese こんにちは Hallo (Hello)
Korean 안녕하세요 Hallo (Hello)

Foreign Languages in Dutch