Use of phrases (Imperative 2) in Swedish with sound

Use of phrases (Imperative 2) in Swedish


😍😍Hi friends 👍👍Don't forget to listen to the pronunciation 😊Learn Swedish easily😊

In Swedish, the imperative is used to give commands or orders. It is formed by using the base form of the verb, without any inflection. Here are some examples of imperative sentences in Swedish:

  • Kom hit! (Come here!)
  • Öppna fönstret! (Open the window!)
  • Hjälp mig! (Help me!)
  • Stäng dörren! (Close the door!)
  • Ta det lugnt! (Take it easy!)

As you can see, the subject pronoun is not necessary in Swedish imperative sentences, as the verb form already indicates the command being given.

However, it’s important to note that some verbs have an irregular imperative form. Here are some examples:

  • Var snäll och säg till honom. (Please tell him.)
  • Ge mig en kopp kaffe, tack. (Give me a cup of coffee, please.)
  • Gör det inte! (Don’t do it!)
  • Låt mig tänka efter först. (Let me think about it first.)
  • Ha det så bra! (Take care!)

In these cases, the imperative form is not the same as the base form of the verb.

It’s also worth noting that the negative imperative in Swedish is formed by adding “inte” after the verb. Here are some examples:

  • Öppna inte dörren! (Don’t open the door!)
  • Kom inte hit! (Don’t come here!)
  • Hjälp inte honom! (Don’t help him!)
  • Stäng inte fönstret! (Don’t close the window!)
  • Gör inte så! (Don’t do that!)

Listen to the following translated examples :

Swedish Sentence English Translation
Öppna dörren, tack. Open the door, please.
Kom hit! Come here!
Var försiktig när du kör. Be careful when you drive.
Hjälp mig att bära den här väskan. Help me carry this bag.
Tala högre, jag hör inte vad du säger. Speak louder, I can’t hear what you’re saying.
Lämna inte ditt bagage obevakat. Don’t leave your luggage unattended.
Sätt dig ner och ta det lugnt. Sit down and relax.
Ring mig när du kommer hem. Call me when you get home.
Gör det här arbetet snabbt och effektivt. Do this work quickly and efficiently.
Var snäll och hämta mig vid stationen. Please pick me up at the station.
Ta på dig varma kläder innan du går ut. Put on warm clothes before you go out.
Säg sanningen, även om det är obekvämt. Tell the truth, even if it’s uncomfortable.
Ge mig din hand, så går vi tillsammans. Give me your hand, and let’s go together.
Stäng av mobiltelefonen under flygningen. Turn off your mobile phone during the flight.
Var tyst och låt mig tänka. Be quiet and let me think.

I hope this helps you understand how to use the imperative form in Swedish! Let me know if you have any other questions.