(Learn Swedish – Phrases (Subordinate clauses: that 1

(Phrases (Subordinate clauses: that 1


😍😍Hi friends 👍👍Don't forget to listen to the pronunciation 😊Learn Swedish easily😊

Here are Swedish sentences using subordinate clauses introduced by “that” with their English translations in a table :

Swedish Sentence English Translation
Jag tror att hon kommer att vinna priset. I think that she will win the prize.
Han sa att han skulle komma tidigt imorgon. He said that he would come early tomorrow.
Jag vet att du kan klara det här. I know that you can do this.
Hon visste att hon skulle missa tåget. She knew that she would miss the train.
Jag hoppas att vi kan träffas snart igen. I hope that we can meet again soon.
Han sa att han inte kunde hjälpa till idag. He said that he couldn’t help today.
Jag trodde att hon skulle vara här redan. I thought that she would already be here.
Hon undrade om jag visste var bion låg. She wondered if I knew where the cinema was.
Han sa att han hade en överraskning till mig. He said that he had a surprise for me.
Jag visste att det skulle bli svårt, men jag försökte ändå. I knew that it would be difficult, but I tried anyway.
Hon sa att hon hade haft en bra dag. She said that she had had a good day.
Jag tycker att det är viktigt att ha en hobby. I think that it’s important to have a hobby.
Han visste att hon inte skulle gilla presenten. He knew that she wouldn’t like the gift.
Jag är säker på att vi kommer att ha kul ikväll. I’m sure that we’ll have fun tonight.
Hon sa att hon hade varit sjuk i en vecka. She said that she had been sick for a week.

I hope this helps you understand how to use subordinate clauses introduced by “that” in Swedish! Let me know if you have any other questions.