phrases you use at the cinema in French

Phrases You Use (At the cinema)


Learning phrases used at the cinema in French is important for several reasons:

  1. Movie-Going Experience: Knowing cinema-related phrases in French enhances your movie-going experience in French-speaking countries. It allows you to communicate with cinema staff, purchase tickets, inquire about showtimes, and navigate the cinema environment more effectively.
  2. Cultural Immersion: Going to the cinema is a popular cultural activity in many French-speaking countries. Learning cinema phrases in French enables you to immerse yourself in the local cinema culture, understand movie traditions, and connect with French-speaking movie enthusiasts.
French English
Je voudrais acheter deux billets pour le film. I would like to buy two tickets for the movie.
[responsivevoice voice="French Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Quels sont les horaires des séances ? What are the showtimes?
Est-ce que vous proposez des films en version originale ? Do you offer movies in the original version?
À quelle heure commence le film ? What time does the movie start?
Où est la salle de cinéma ? Where is the movie theater?
Combien coûte un billet ? How much does a ticket cost?
Est-ce qu’il y a des réductions pour les étudiants ? Are there discounts for students?
Puis-je choisir mes places ? Can I choose my seats?
Est-ce qu’il y a des sous-titres en français ? Are there French subtitles?
Quel est le film à l’affiche ce soir ? What is the movie playing tonight?
Est-ce que vous avez des snacks et des boissons ? Do you have snacks and drinks?
Quelle est la durée du film ? What is the duration of the movie?
Où puis-je trouver les toilettes ? Where can I find the restroom?
Je voudrais échanger ces billets pour une autre séance. I would like to exchange these tickets for another show.
Est-ce qu’il y a une séance en 3D ? Is there a 3D show?
À quelle heure se termine le dernier film ? What time does the last movie end?
Puis-je apporter de la nourriture de l’extérieur ? Can I bring outside food?
Est-ce qu’il y a des places réservées pour les handicapés ? Are there reserved seats for disabled individuals?
Quel est le genre du film ? What is the genre of the movie?
Est-ce que je peux obtenir un remboursement pour mon billet ? Can I get a refund for my ticket?