reading and writing phrases in Danish

Phrases (Reading and writing)


Learning to read and write in Danish is important for several reasons:

  1. Effective communication: Being able to read and write in Danish will allow you to communicate more effectively in written form. This is especially important for formal communication, such as emails, reports, and business letters.
  2. Career opportunities: Knowing how to read and write in Danish can open up many career opportunities. It can make you more attractive to potential employers and increase your chances of landing a job.
  3. Education: If you plan to study in Denmark or pursue higher education in a Danish-speaking country, you will need to know how to read and write in Danish.
Danish English
Hej! Hvordan har du det? Hi! How are you?
[responsivevoice voice="Danish Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Tak for din mail. Thank you for your email.
Venligst bekræft modtagelse. Please confirm receipt.
Vedlagt finder du Attached you will find
Kan du sende mig mere information? Can you send me more information?
Jeg ser frem til at høre fra dig. I look forward to hearing from you.
Med venlig hilsen Kind regards
Tak fordi du kontaktede os. Thank you for contacting us.
Jeg vil gerne bestille I would like to order
Beklager, jeg kan ikke komme i dag. Sorry, I can’t come today.
Jeg har modtaget din besked. I have received your message.
Kan vi mødes i morgen kl. 14? Can we meet tomorrow at 2 pm?
Undskyld forsinkelsen. Sorry for the delay.
Hvordan staver du dit navn? How do you spell your name?
Jeg håber, at alt er i orden. I hope everything is okay.
Har du nogle spørgsmål? Do you have any questions?
Jeg vil gerne anmode om et tilbud. I would like to request a quote.
Tak fordi du hjalp mig. Thank you for helping me.
Jeg vil gerne aflyse min aftale. I would like to cancel my appointment.
Har du brug for hjælp? Do you need any help?