Learn Danish – Phrases (At the restaurant 4)

Phrases (At the restaurant 4)

Danish Sentence English Translation
Hej! Kan jeg få et bord til to, tak? Hello! Can I have a table for two, please?
Har I en menu på engelsk? Do you have a menu in English?
Hvad vil du anbefale fra menuen? What would you recommend from the menu?
Kan jeg se dagens specielle ret? Can I see today’s special dish?
Jeg vil gerne bestille en forret. I would like to order an appetizer.
Hvad slags salater har I? What kind of salads do you have?
Har I nogle vegetariske muligheder? Do you have any vegetarian options?
Jeg er allergisk over for nødder. I am allergic to nuts.
Kan jeg få dressingen ved siden af? Can I have the dressing on the side?
Hvor lang tid tager det at få maden? How long does it take to get the food?
Kan jeg få min bøf medium rare? Can I have my steak cooked medium rare?
Kan vi få en flaske vand, tak? Can we have a bottle of water, please?
Jeg vil gerne bestille en hovedret. I would like to order a main course.
Har I nogle anbefalinger til desserter? Do you have any recommendations for desserts?
Kan jeg få en kop kaffe efter maden? Can I have a cup of coffee after the meal?
Hvad er dagens suppe? What is the soup of the day?
Kan jeg bytte pommes frites ud med grøntsager? Can I substitute French fries with vegetables?
Har I en børnemenu? Do you have a children’s menu?
Jeg vil gerne have en kande te, tak. I would like a pot of tea, please.
Er der ekstra krydderier på bordet? Are there any extra condiments on the table?
Er salaten inkluderet i hovedretten? Is the salad included with the main course?
Jeg vil gerne bestille en dessert. I would like to order a dessert.
Har I nogle veganske muligheder på menuen? Do you have any vegan options on the menu?
Kan jeg få en højstol? Can I have a high chair?
Kan jeg betale med kreditkort? Can I pay by credit card?
Har I nogle alkoholfrie drinks? Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks?
Kan jeg få en ekstra tallerken, tak? Can I have an extra plate, please?
Er der nogle glutenfrie muligheder? Are there any gluten-free options?
Jeg vil gerne have en flaske vand, tak. I would like a bottle of water, please.