Learn Danish – Phrases (Public transportation)

Phrases (Public transportation)


Learning public transportation phrases in Danish can be helpful for several reasons, especially if you plan to travel to Denmark or navigate the Danish transportation system. Here are a few reasons why learning public transportation phrases in Danish could be beneficial:

  1. Convenience: If you know basic Danish public transportation phrases, you can navigate the transportation system more easily and effectively, which can make your travel more convenient and less stressful.
  2. Cost-effective: Public transportation is often a cost-effective way to get around in Denmark, and knowing how to communicate in Danish can help you save money on transportation costs.
Danish Phrase English Translation
Hej Hello
Godmorgen Good morning
Goddag Good day
Godaften Good evening
Tak Thank you
Ja Yes
Nej No
Undskyld mig Excuse me
Hvilken linje skal jeg tage for at komme til…? Which line should I take to get to…?
Hvor går denne bus/tog/halvtime hen? Where does this bus/train/tram go?
Hvornår går næste bus/tog/halvtime? When does the next bus/train/tram leave?
Er der et stoppested nær…? Is there a bus stop near…?
Hvordan betaler jeg for min billet? How do I pay for my ticket?
Kan jeg købe en billet her? Can I buy a ticket here?
Hvor meget koster en billet til…? How much does a ticket to… cost?
Skal jeg skifte bus/tog/tram for at komme til…? Do I need to change buses/trains/trams to get to…?
Hvor lang tid tager det at komme til…? How long does it take to get to…?
Er dette det rigtige stoppested for…? Is this the correct bus stop for…?
Kan du hjælpe mig med at finde min rute? Can you help me find my route?
Jeg vil gerne have en billet til enkelt rejse/tur-retur. I would like a one-way/round-trip ticket, please.

I hope this helps!