FrenchGrammar (Plural and Languages)

French Lessons

French Vocabulary

French Phrases

French Grammar

The 3rd lesson is about the plural in French and how to create it from the singular form. In addition, I will include a list of vocabulary about languages, nationalities, and countries. Finally, you will find some common everyday sentences. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, Contact us from the page French Classes.


Knowing how to create the plural from the singular word can double the vocabulary you already know. It can make it easy to have a conversation about different topics by simply knowing some grammatical rules. For example how to change the word “book” to “books” or “woman” to “women”.

Below is a list of singular words and their plural equivalent. I included examples about nature as well as about humans. The table contains 3 columns (English, French, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Singular vs. Plural in French

English French Audio
Country Le pays
Countries Les pays
Lake Le lac
Lakes Les lacs
Language La langue
Languages Langues
Woman La femme
Women Les femmes
Man L’homme
Men Les hommes
Boy Le garçon
Boys Les garçons
Girl La fille
Girls Les filles

Now we will try to implement some of the words above into full French sentences. That way you will be able to see how both forms are used when embedded in a structure.

Singular vs. Plural in a Sentence

English French Audio
We speak two languages Nous parlons deux langues
They speak four languages Ils parlent quatre langues
I visited one country Je connais un pays
She visited three countries Elle connaît trois pays
She has one sister Elle a une soeur
He has two sisters Il a deux soeurs


If you have any questions, please contact me If you simply want to ask a question, please French contact form on the header above.

Vocabulary List about Languages, Nationalities, and Countries

Below is a list of 50 words related to languages, nationalities, and countries. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to have a good conversation about how many languages you speak or where you came from.

Languages Nationalities and Countries List in French

English French Audio
Arabic (language) arabe
Moroccan (nationality) Marocain(e)
Morocco (country) Le Maroc
Brazilian (language)
Brazilian (nationality) Brésilien(ne)
Brazil (country) Le Brésil
Chinese (language) chinois
Chinese (nationality) Chinois(e)
China (country) La Chine
English (language) anglais
British (nationality) Britannique
Britain (country) La Grande-Bretagne
American (nationality) Américain(e)
America (country) Les États-Unis
French (language) français
French (nationality) Français(e)
France (country) La France
German (language) allemand
German (nationality) Allemand(e)
Germany (country) L’Allemagne
Greek (language) grec
Greek (nationality) Grec (Grecque)
Greece (country) La Grèce
Hindi (language) hindi
Indian (nationality) Indien(ne)
India (country) L’Inde
Irish (language) Irlandais
Irish (nationality) Irlandais(e)
Ireland (country) L’Irlande
Italian (language) italien
Italian (nationality) Italien(ne)
Italy (country) L’italie
Japanese (language) japonais
Japanese (nationality) Japonais(e)
Japan (country) Le Japon
Korean (language) Coréen
Korean (nationality) Coréen(ne)
Korea (country) La Corée
Persian (language) Perse
Iranian (nationality) Iranien(ne)
Iran (country) L’Iran
Portuguese (language) portugais
Portuguese (nationality) Portugais(e)
Portugal (country) Le Portugal
Russian (language) russe
Russian (nationality) Russe
Russia (country) La Russie
Spanish (language) espagnol
Spanish (nationality) Espagnol(e)
Spain (country) L’Espagne


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Daily Conversation in French

Finally, a list of sentences about languages, nationalities, and countries plus some bonus phrases. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our French Phrases page. Enjoy!

Common Expressions in French

English French Audio
I don’t speak Korean Je ne parle pas coréen
I love the Japanese language J’adore la langue japonaise
I speak Italian Je parle italien
I want to learn Spanish Je voudrais apprendre l’espagnol
My mother tongue is German Ma langue maternelle c’est l’allemand
Spanish is easy to learn Apprendre l’espagnol est facile
He has a Moroccan rug Il a un tapis marocain
I have an American car J’ai une voiture américaine
I love French cheese J’adore le fromage français
I’m Italian Je suis italien(ne)
My father is Greek Mon père est grec
My wife is Korean Ma femme est coréene
Have you ever been to India? Vous êtes allé(e) en Inde?
I came from Spain Je viens de l’Espagne
I live in America J’habite aux États-Unis
I want to go to Germany Je voudrais aller en Allemagne
I was born in Italy Je suis né(e) en Italie
Japan is a beautiful country Le Japon est un beau pays
Long time no see Ça fait longtemps
I missed you Tu m’as manqué
What’s new? Quoi de neuf?
Nothing new Rien de nouveau
Make yourself at home! Faîtes comme chez vous!
Have a good trip Bon voyage

Fun Facts

Language Quote that by simply knowing how to form the plural, you can double the number of nouns in your vocabulary, without having to memorize all the plural form.

Congratulations! You finished your third lesson in French about singular, plural, languages, nationalities, and countries. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend French Lesson 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn French homepage.

French Lessons

French Vocabulary

French Phrases

French Grammar