Wie geht es dir? |
How are you? |
Was machst du heute? |
What are you doing today? |
Wo bist du geboren? |
Where were you born? |
Wann kommst du zurück? |
When are you coming back? |
Wer ist dein bester Freund? |
Who is your best friend? |
Warum hast du das gemacht? |
Why did you do that? |
Wie alt bist du? |
How old are you? |
Was isst du gerne? |
What do you like to eat? |
Wo wohnst du? |
Where do you live? |
Wann hast du Geburtstag? |
When is your birthday? |
Wer hat das gemacht? |
Who did that? |
Warum bist du traurig? |
Why are you sad? |
Wie lange bleibst du? |
How long are you staying? |
Was ist dein Lieblingsbuch? |
What is your favorite book? |
Wo arbeitest du? |
Where do you work? |
Wann fängt die Party an? |
When does the party start? |
Wer ist dein Lieblingssänger? |
Who is your favorite singer? |
Warum bist du glücklich? |
Why are you happy? |
Wie viel kostet das? |
How much does it cost? |
Was sind deine Hobbys? |
What are your hobbies? |