Learning phrases about daily affairs in Romanian can be beneficial for several reasons:
- Practical Communication: Knowing common phrases related to daily affairs allows you to communicate effectively in various everyday situations. It helps you interact with native Romanian speakers during activities like shopping, dining out, asking for directions, or making general conversation.
- Cultural Understanding: Learning phrases about daily affairs in Romanian helps you gain insights into Romanian culture and customs. Language is intertwined with culture, so by learning common phrases, you also gain a deeper understanding of the way of life, traditions, and social norms in Romania.
- Bună dimineața! – Good morning!
- Ce mai faci? – How are you?
- Mulțumesc. – Thank you.
- Te rog. – Please.
- Scuze! – Excuse me!
- Unde este…? – Where is…?
- Aș dori o cafea, te rog. – I would like a coffee, please.
- Cât costă? – How much does it cost?
- Pot plăti cu cardul? – Can I pay with a card?
- La revedere! – Goodbye!
- Ce ai făcut azi? – What did you do today?
- Merg la cumpărături. – I’m going shopping.
- Ce ai mâncat la prânz? – What did you have for lunch?
- Mi-am pierdut telefonul. – I lost my phone.
- Aveți o cameră liberă? – Do you have a vacant room?
- Poți să mă ajuți, te rog? – Can you help me, please?
- Cum se ajunge la muzeu? – How do I get to the museum?
- Trebuie să merg la medic. – I need to go to the doctor.
- Să ne întâlnim la ora șase. – Let’s meet at six o’clock.
- Ce planuri ai pentru weekend? – What are your plans for the weekend?