Phrases that are needed in school in Romanian

Вивчай румунську

Learning phrases that are needed in school in Romanian is important for several reasons:

  1. Classroom Communication: Knowing phrases used in school enables effective communication within the classroom. It allows you to understand instructions, ask questions, and participate actively in discussions with teachers and classmates.
  2. Academic Success: By learning school-related phrases in Romanian, you can better navigate the academic environment. You’ll be able to express your understanding, seek clarification, and engage in conversations related to various subjects and topics.
  3. Building Relationships: Understanding school-related phrases helps foster positive relationships with teachers and classmates. It allows you to communicate your needs, collaborate on group projects, and participate in extracurricular activities, fostering a sense of belonging and cooperation.
  1. Bună dimineața, doamnă/profesor! – Good morning, ma’am/teacher!
  2. Aș dori să îmi scot o întrebare. – I would like to ask a question.
  3. Nu înțeleg această problemă. Poți să mă ajuți? – I don’t understand this problem. Can you help me?
  4. Pot să merg la toaletă, vă rog? – May I go to the restroom, please?
  5. Am terminat tema pentru acasă. – I have finished the homework.
  6. Unde trebuie să predăm lucrarea? – Where do we submit the assignment?
  7. Am o prezentare săptămâna viitoare. – I have a presentation next week.
  8. Când avem testul? – When do we have the test?
  9. Pot să împrumut un creion, te rog? – Can I borrow a pencil, please?
  10. Vreau să mă înscriu într-un club de lectură. – I want to join a reading club.
  11. Ce teme avem pentru următoarea săptămână? – What assignments do we have for next week?
  12. Suntem liberi azi după-amiază? – Are we free this afternoon?
  13. Ce înseamnă acest cuvânt? – What does this word mean?
  14. Ați putea să repetați explicația? – Could you please repeat the explanation?
  15. Sunt interesat/ă să particip la concursul de matematică. – I am interested in participating in the math competition.
  16. Trebuie să facem un proiect în grup. – We need to do a group project.
  17. Avem o excursie școlară la muzeu săptămâna viitoare. – We have a school trip to the museum next week.
  18. Trebuie să pregătim un eseu despre literatura clasică. – We need to prepare an essay on classical literature.
  19. Ce note am obținut la testul anterior? – What grades did we get on the previous test?
  20. Vă mulțumesc pentru explicații. – Thank you for the explanations.