Phrases about languages and countries in Romanian
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Learning phrases about languages and countries in Romanian is beneficial for several reasons:
- Cultural Understanding: Learning phrases about languages and countries in Romanian allows you to gain a deeper understanding of Romanian culture and its linguistic landscape. It enables you to appreciate the diversity of languages spoken in Romania and the cultural connections between Romania and other countries.
- Communication: Knowing phrases about languages and countries helps you communicate effectively with Romanian speakers when discussing different languages, countries, or nationalities. It allows you to express your own language skills and inquire about the languages spoken by others.
- Vorbești engleza? – Do you speak English?
- Învaț limba română. – Learn the Romanian language.
- El/Ea vorbește franceza foarte bine. – He/She speaks French very well.
- Vreau să învăț germana. – I want to learn German.
- Câte limbi vorbești? – How many languages do you speak?
- Româna este limba oficială a României. – Romanian is the official language of Romania.
- Îmi place să învăț limbi străine. – I enjoy learning foreign languages.
- Înțelegi limba spaniolă? – Do you understand Spanish?
- Vorbești fluent italiana. – You speak Italian fluently.
- Sunt interesat/ă să învăț japoneza. – I am interested in learning Japanese.
Countries: 11. Mă voi duce în Italia în vacanță. – I will go to Italy for vacation.
- Ce țară ești? – What country are you from?
- Vreau să vizitez Franța pentru a vedea Turnul Eiffel. – I want to visit France to see the Eiffel Tower.
- România este o țară frumoasă. – Romania is a beautiful country.
- El/Ea este din Canada. – He/She is from Canada.
- Am fost în Spania anul trecut. – I went to Spain last year.
- Îmi place cultura japoneză. – I like Japanese culture.
- Cunoști țările din America de Sud? – Do you know the countries in South America?
- Sunt fascinat/ă de istoria Egiptului. – I am fascinated by the history of Egypt.
- Am prieteni din diferite țări. – I have friends from different countries