Phrases you will need at the hotel in Ukrainian
Вивчай румунську
Learning phrases you will need at the hotel in Ukrainian is useful for various reasons, especially if you plan to travel to Ukraine and stay in a hotel. Here are some reasons why learning these phrases can be beneficial:
- Communication: Knowing basic Ukrainian phrases can help you effectively communicate with hotel staff who may not speak fluent English. This will make your interactions smoother and more enjoyable.
- Independence: Having a grasp of common phrases allows you to navigate the hotel environment independently. You can ask for directions, make inquiries, or seek assistance without relying solely on English-speaking individuals
English Phrase | Ukrainian Translation |
Hello | Добрий день (Dobryy den) |
Goodbye | До побачення (Do pobachennya) |
Thank you | Дякую (Dyakuyu) |
You’re welcome | Будь ласка (Bud’ laska) |
Excuse me | Вибачте (Vybachte) |
Do you speak English? | Ви розмовляєте англійською? (Vy rozmovlyayete anhliysʹkoyu?) |
I have a reservation | У мене є бронювання (U mene ye bron’yuvannya) |
Can you help me? | Можете мені допомогти? (Mozhete meni dopomoh’ty?) |
Where is the elevator? | Де ліфт? (De lift?) |
Where is my room? | Де моя кімната? (De moya kimnata?) |
I need more towels | Мені потрібні ще рушники (Meni potribni shche rushnyky) |
Is breakfast included? | Чи включений сніданок? (Chy vklyuchenyi snidaneok?) |
Can I have the bill, please? | Можна рахунок, будь ласка? (Mozhna rakhunok, bud’ laska?) |
What time is check-in/check-out? | О котрій годині реєстрація/виїзд? (O kotriy hodini reyestratsiya/viyizd?) |
Is there a gym? | Чи є тренажерний зал? (Chy ye trenazhernyy zal?) |
Can I have extra pillows? | Можна додаткові подушки? (Mozhna dodatkovi podushky?) |
The Wi-Fi isn’t working | Wi-Fi не працює (Wi-Fi ne pratsyuye) |
Where can I find a restaurant? | Де можна знайти ресторан? (De mozhna znayty restoran?) |
Can you call a taxi for me? | Можете викликати таксі для мене? (Mozhete vyklykaty taksi dlya mene?) |
Is there room service? | Чи є послуга обслуговування в номері? (Chy ye posluga obslugovuvannya v nomeri?) |