Phrases that are needed at school in Romanian
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Learning phrases that are needed at school in Romanian is important for several reasons:
- Classroom Communication: Knowing school-related phrases in Romanian allows you to effectively communicate with teachers and classmates. You can ask questions, participate in discussions, and understand instructions during classroom activities.
- Academic Success: Learning phrases needed at school in Romanian helps you navigate academic environments. You can express your understanding, seek clarification, and engage in academic discussions, which contributes to your overall academic success.
English | Romanian |
Good morning! | Bună dimineața! |
Good afternoon! | Bună ziua! |
Goodbye! | La revedere! |
May I ask a question? | Pot să pun o întrebare? |
I don’t understand. | Nu înțeleg. |
Can you repeat, please? | Puteți repeta, vă rog? |
How do you say… in Romanian? | Cum se spune… în română? |
I need help. | Am nevoie de ajutor. |
Can you explain this to me? | Puteți să-mi explicați asta? |
I have a question. | Am o întrebare. |
May I go to the restroom? | Pot să merg la toaletă? |
I need to borrow a pencil. | Am nevoie să împrumut un creion. |
Can you help me with this problem? | Mă puteți ajuta cu această problemă? |
I finished the assignment. | Am terminat tema. |
I’m ready for the test. | Sunt pregătit/pregătită pentru test. |
Can I work with a partner? | Pot să lucrez cu un coleg? |
When is the deadline? | Care este data limită? |
I have a presentation tomorrow. | Am o prezentare mâine. |
I’m absent today. | Sunt absent/ă azi. |
Can I borrow a book from the library? | Pot să împrumut o carte din bibliotecă? |
Thank you for your help. | Mulțumesc pentru ajutorul dumneavoastră. |
These phrases will be useful in school settings when interacting with teachers and classmates, asking for help, and discussing various aspects of education. Practice them to enhance your Romanian language skills and navigate school-related conversations effectively.