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Learn Norwegian-Phrases to help you at the train station

Norwegian Sentence English Translation Hello, where can I buy a ticket? I would like a one-way ticket to Oslo. Can…

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phrases you use at train station in Norwegian

Learning phrases used at train stations in Norwegian can be beneficial for several reasons: Traveling: If you plan to visit…

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(Adverbs and Animals) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar In this 18th lesson we will explore the…

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(Comparative and Shopping) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This 17th lesson teaches the comparative form in…

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(Imperative and Places) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This 16th lesson teaches the Norwegian imperative form.…

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(Future Tense & Weather) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This 15th lesson deals with the future tense…

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(Past Tense & Colors) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This 14th lesson deals with the past tense…

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(Present Tense & Survival) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This 13th lesson deals with the present tense…

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(Verbs and Time) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This is the 12th lesson about Norwegian verbs,…

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(Nouns and Jobs) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This 11th lesson teaches an important part of…

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(Determiners and People) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar I should congratulate you since you made it…

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(Questions ) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar This 9th lesson teaches an important aspect in…

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(Pronouns and Travel) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar The 8th lesson contains the Norwegian pronouns including…

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(Negation and Human Body) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar Lesson number 7 teaches an important aspect in…

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(Numbers and School) Norwegian Grammar

Lessons Norwegian Lessons Linguistic Norwegian Vocabulary Culture Norwegian Phrases Structure Norwegian Grammar The 6th lesson teaches counting in cardinal and…

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