(Numbers and School) Norwegian Grammar

The 6th lesson teaches counting in cardinal and ordinal numbers in Norwegian. I also included a vocabulary list about school and finally common daily phrases. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, Contact us from the page Norwegian Classes.


Knowing how to count in Norwegian is essential and should be one of first things to learn. By simply knowing numbers from 1 to 9 you could express large numbers in a simplified way. Cardinal numbers are for counting such as “1, 2, 3 …”. Ordinal numbers represent order or rank such as “1st, 2nd, 3rd …”.

Below is a list of the first 20 cardinal and ordinal numbers that you might come across or use very often. The table contains 3 columns (English, Norwegian, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Numbers in Norwegian

Numbers Norwegian Audio
One en
First første
Two to
Second andre
Three tre
Third tredje
Four fire
Fourth fjerde
Five fem
Fifth femte
Six seks
Sixth sjette
Seven syv
Seventh syvende
Eight åtte
Eighth åttende
Nine ni
Ninth niende
Ten ti
Tenth tiende
Eleven elleve
Eleventh ellevte
Twelve tolv
Twelfth tolvte
Thirteen tretten
Thirteenth trettende
Fourteen fjorten
Fourteenth fjortende
Fifteen femten
Fifteenth femtende
Sixteen seksten
Sixteenth sekstende
Seventeen sytten
Seventeenth syttende
Eighteen atten
Eighteenth attende
Nineteen nitten
Nineteenth nittende
Twenty tjue
Twentieth tyvende
Thirty three (31) trettitre
One hundred (100) etthundre
Three hundred and sixty (360) trehundreogseksti / 360
One thousand (1000) ettusen
Two thousand and fourteen (2014) totusenogfjorten / 2014
One million en million
Once én gang
Twice to ganger

Now we will try to implement some of the numbers above into full Norwegian sentences. That way you will be able to use the word not only by itself but embedded in a structure.

Norwegian Numbers in a Sentence

Numbers Norwegian Audio
I’m 30 years old jeg er tredve år gammel
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother jeg har to søstre og en bror
English is my first language Engelsk er mitt førstespråk
Her second language is Spanish Hennes andrespråk er spansk


If you have any questions, please contact me If you simply want to ask a question, please Norwegian contact form on the header above.

Vocabulary List about School

Below is a list of 26 words related to school and classrooms. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able communicate to a teacher/students many objects in your class.

School Words in Norwegian

School Norwegian Audio
Answer Svar
Book bok
Books bøker
Chair stol
Desk skrivepult
Dictionary ordbok
Laptop Bærbar PC
Library bibliotek
Notebook (paper notebook) Notatbok
Page side
Paper papir
Pen penn
Pencil blyant
Question spørsmål
School Skole
Student student
Teacher lærer
University Universitet


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Daily Conversation in Norwegian

Finally, a couple bonus sentences that you might find useful. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our Norwegian Phrases page. Enjoy!

Common Expressions in Norwegian

English Norwegian Audio
I have a question Jeg har et spørsmål
To listen Å lytte
To read Å lese
To speak Å snakke
To think Å tenke
To understand Å forstå
To write Å skrive
What’s the name of that book? Hva heter den boken?
What do you do for a living? Hva jobber du med?
I’m a (teacher / artist / engineer) Jeg er (lærer / artist / ingeniør)
Oh! That’s good! Åh! Så bra!
Can I practice with you? Kan jeg øve med deg?

Fun Facts

Language Quote: Approximately one new word is added to the English language every two hours and around 4,000 new words are added to the English dictionary every year.

Congratulations! You finished your 6th lesson in Norwegian about numbers, and school terms. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Norwegian Lesson 7. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Norwegian homepage.