FrenchGrammar (Verbs and Time)

French Lessons

French Vocabulary

French Phrases

French Grammar

This is the 12th lesson about French verbs, as well as time expressions such as hours, days, and months. Finally some simple common phrases. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, Contact us from the page French Classes.


Before we move on to lessons about the present, past, and future, we need to discuss verbs in general. The verb is the second most used part of speech after the noun. That means we need to pay more attention to its different forms and tenses.

Below is a list of 16 verbs that you might come across or use very often. They are in their raw format (not conjugated yet). The table contains 3 columns (English, French, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Verbs List in French

Verbs French Audio
To drive Conduire
To find Trouver
To give Donner
To have Avoir
To know Savoir / Connaître
To learn Apprendre
To love Aimer / adorer
To play Jouer
To read Lire
To see Voir
To smile Sourire
To speak Parler
To think Penser
To understand Comprendre
To work Travailler
To write Écrire

Here is an example of the verb “to understand” conjugated into the past, present, and future.

Verb “to understand” in a Sentence

He understands me Il me comprend
He understood me Il m’a compris
He will understand me Il me comprendra


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Vocabulary List about Time

Below is a list of 30 words related to time such as hours, days and months. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to discuss time related topics more easily.

Time in French

Time French Audio
Days Les jours
Monday lundi
Tuesday mardi
Wednesday mercredi
Thursday jeudi
Friday vendredi
Saturday samedi
Sunday dimanche
January janvier
February février
March mars
April avril
May mai
June juin
July juillet
August août
September septembre
October octobre
November novembre
December décembre
Autumn L’automne
Winter L’hiver
Spring Le printemps
Summer L’été
Seasons Les saisons
Months Les mois
Time Le temps
Hour L’heure
Minute La minute
Second La seconde


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Daily Conversation in French

Finally, here are some popular phrases you might need to use daily. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our French Phrases page. Enjoy!

Common Expressions in French

English French Audio
I was born in July Je suis né(e) en juillet
I will visit you in August Je viendrai te voir au mois d’août
See you tomorrow! A demain!
Today is Monday Aujourd’hui c’est lundi
Winter is very cold here L’hiver ici est très froid
Yesterday was Sunday Hier c’était dimanche
Are you married? Vous êtes marié(e)?
I’m single Je suis célibataire
Would you marry me? Vous voulez me marier?
Can I have your phone number? Je peux avoir votre numéro de téléphone?
Can I have your email? Je peux avoir votre email?

Fun Facts

Language Quote: ❝Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.❞ ‒Sarah Caldwell

Congratulations! You finished your 12th lesson in French about verbs, and time. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend French Lesson 13. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn French homepage.

French Lessons

French Vocabulary

French Phrases

French Grammar