Questions in past tense in French

Learn French phrases (Questions – Past tense 1)


Learning how to form questions in the past tense in French is important for several reasons:

  1. Gathering Information: Questions in the past tense allow you to inquire about past events, actions, or experiences. They enable you to gather information and seek details about what has already happened.
  2. Conversation and Communication: Knowing how to ask questions in the past tense enhances your conversational skills in French. It enables you to engage in meaningful discussions, share personal stories, and exchange experiences by asking relevant questions about the past.
English French
Did you go to the party last night? Es-tu allé(e) à la fête hier soir ?
When did she arrive? [responsivevoice voice="French Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Quand est-elle arrivée ?
Did they finish their work on time? Ont-ils terminé leur travail à temps ?
What did you eat for dinner? Qu’est-ce que tu as mangé pour le dîner ?
How long did he stay in Paris? Combien de temps a-t-il séjourné à Paris ?
Did she read the book you recommended? A-t-elle lu le livre que tu as recommandé ?
Where did we meet last week? Où nous sommes-nous rencontrés la semaine dernière ?
Did they enjoy the concert? Ont-ils apprécié le concert ?
Why did you leave early? Pourquoi es-tu parti(e) tôt ?
Did he play soccer when he was younger? Jouait-il au football quand il était plus jeune ?
Who did she invite to the party? Qui a-t-elle invité à la fête ?
Did you watch the movie last night? As-tu regardé le film hier soir ?
How many countries did they visit on their trip? Combien de pays ont-ils visité lors de leur voyage ?
Did she study French in high school? A-t-elle étudié le français au lycée ?
What time did the event start? À quelle heure l’événement a-t-il commencé ?
Did we see each other at the conference? Nous sommes-nous vus lors de la conférence ?
How did they celebrate their anniversary? Comment ont-ils célébré leur anniversaire ?
Did you meet any interesting people during your travels? As-tu rencontré des personnes intéressantes lors de tes voyages ?
Who did he talk to at the party? À qui a-t-il parlé à la fête ?
Did she write a letter to her friend? A-t-elle écrit une lettre à son amie ?