Learn Swedish – Learn Phrases (Possessive pronouns 2)
Learn Phrases (Possessive pronouns 2)

😍😍Hi friends 👍👍Don't forget to listen to the pronunciation 😊Learn Swedish easily😊
Possessive pronouns in Swedish are used to show ownership or possession. They agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Here are the possessive pronouns in Swedish:
- Min (singular) / Vår (plural) – My / Our Examples:
- Min bok är blå. (My book is blue.)
- Vår familj äter middag tillsammans. (Our family eats dinner together.)
- Din (singular) / Er (plural) – Your / Your (formal or plural) Examples:
- Din hund är söt. (Your dog is cute.)
- Er bil är stor. (Your car is big.)
- Hans (singular) / Hennes (singular) / Deras (plural) – His / Her / Their Examples:
- Hans cykel är röd. (His bike is red.)
- Hennes hus är vackert. (Her house is beautiful.)
- Deras barn går i skolan. (Their children go to school.)
- Sin (singular) / Sitt (neuter singular) / Sina (plural) – One’s / Its / Their own (Note: These pronouns refer back to the subject of the sentence.) Examples:
- Han läser sin bok. (He is reading his own book.)
- Katten tvättar sitt ansikte. (The cat is washing its face.)
- De äter sina äpplen. (They are eating their own apples.)
It’s important to note that possessive pronouns in Swedish agree with the noun they modify, not with the person who possesses the item. Also, possessive pronouns can be used without a noun, in which case they function as standalone pronouns.
Listen to the following examples :
Swedish Sentence | English Translation |
Jag älskar min familj. | I love my family. |
Har du sett hennes nya bil? | Have you seen her new car? |
Vår lägenhet är stor och ljus. | Our apartment is big and bright. |
Är det din bok? | Is this your book? |
Hans hund är väldigt lydig. | His dog is very obedient. |
Har ni tvättat era kläder? | Have you washed your clothes? |
Hon har glömt sin nyckel. | She has forgotten her key. |
Min syster är mycket intelligent. | My sister is very intelligent. |
Deras hus är nära stranden. | Their house is close to the beach. |
Har du sett mitt pass? | Have you seen my passport? |
Vår katt sover i sitt träd. | Our cat sleeps in its tree. |
Har du provat dina skor? | Have you tried on your shoes? |
Din väska är bredvid min. | Your bag is next to mine. |
Jag tycker om hans stil. | I like his style. |
Hennes klänning är vacker. | Her dress is beautiful. |
Har du sett deras nya TV? | Have you seen their new TV? |
Våra vänner kommer ikväll. | Our friends are coming tonight. |
Har du lånat mina pennor? | Have you borrowed my pens? |
Jag har köpt min egen bil. | I have bought my own car. |
Vi älskar vårt nya hus. | We love our new house. |
Har du tvättat dina händer? | Have you washed your hands? |