Learn Swedish – Using phrases (Negative 2)
Learn Swedish - Using phrases (Negative 2)

😍😍Hi friends 👍👍Don't forget to listen to the pronunciation 😊Learn Swedish easily😊
Negation in Swedish is used to express negation or denial. It involves the use of negative words or constructions to negate a statement. Here are some common ways to form negations in Swedish:
- “Inte” – Not The most common way to negate a sentence in Swedish is by using the word “inte” which translates to “not” in English. It is placed directly after the verb or auxiliary verb in a sentence.
- Jag talar inte svenska. (I don’t speak Swedish.)
- Han äter inte kött. (He doesn’t eat meat.)
- Vi har inte tid. (We don’t have time.)
- “Ingen”/”Inget” – None / Not any The words “ingen” (for singular indefinite nouns) and “inget” (for neuter indefinite nouns) are used to negate the existence or quantity of something.
- Det finns ingen park här. (There is no park here.)
- Jag har inget kaffe kvar. (I don’t have any coffee left.)
- Han har ingen bil. (He doesn’t have a car.)
- “Aldrig” – Never The word “aldrig” is used to express negation in the sense of “never” or “not ever.”
- Jag har aldrig varit i Sverige. (I have never been to Sweden.)
- Hon kommer aldrig att glömma det. (She will never forget it.)
- Vi kommer aldrig att ge upp. (We will never give up.)
- “Ingen annan” / “Inget annat” – No one else / Nothing else To negate the presence of someone or something else, you can use the expressions “ingen annan” (no one else) and “inget annat” (nothing else).
- Hon är den enda. Det finns ingen annan. (She is the only one. There is no one else.)
- Jag vill ha den här boken. Inget annat. (I want this book. Nothing else.)
- “Sakna” – Lack The verb “sakna” is used to express the absence or lack of something.
- Det saknas pengar i plånboken. (There is a lack of money in the wallet.)
- Det saknas en skruv. (There is a missing screw.)
- Vi saknar resurser för att genomföra projektet. (We lack resources to carry out the project.)
It’s important to note that negation in Swedish often requires the use of the word “inte” in combination with other negation words or expressions to convey the intended meaning. Additionally, word order is crucial in Swedish negations, and “inte” is typically placed immediately after the verb or auxiliary verb.
Practice forming negations in Swedish by incorporating these words and expressions into sentences. Lycka till! (Good luck!)