days of the week in Swedish

Learn the phrases (days of the week) in the Swedish

😍😍Hi friends 👍👍Don't forget to listen to the pronunciation 😊Learn Swedish easily😊

Learning the days of the week in Swedish, or any language, is important for several reasons:

  1. Daily conversations: Being able to express and understand the days of the week allows for effective communication in daily conversations. You can schedule appointments, make plans, and discuss events that occur on specific days.
  2. Arranging and organizing: Knowing the days of the week helps you schedule and coordinate activities more efficiently. Whether it’s planning meetings, setting deadlines, or organizing your personal agenda, understanding the days allows for better time management.
English Swedish
Monday Måndag
Tuesday [responsivevoice voice="Swedish Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Tisdag
Wednesday Onsdag
Thursday Torsdag
Friday Fredag
Saturday Lördag
Sunday Söndag
What day is it today? Vilken dag är det idag?
Today is Monday. Idag är det måndag.
I have a meeting on Tuesday. Jag har ett möte på tisdag.
Let’s meet on Wednesday. Vi ses på onsdag.
Thursday is my favorite day. Torsdag är min favoritdag.
We’re going out for dinner on Friday. Vi ska ut och äta på fredag.
I like to relax on Saturdays. Jag tycker om att koppla av på lördagar.
Sunday is a day for family. Söndag är en dag för familjen.
Next week Nästa vecka
Last week Förra veckan
This week Den här veckan
Which day comes after Monday? Vilken dag kommer efter måndag?
I’m busy all week. Jag är upptagen hela veckan.