Dutch Grammar (Plural and Languages)


Dutch Lessons

Dutch Vocabulary

Dutch Phrases

Dutch Grammar

The 3rd lesson is about the plural in Dutch and how to create it from the singular form. In addition, I will include a list of vocabulary about languages, nationalities, and countries. Finally, you will find some common everyday sentences. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, Contact us from the page Dutch Classes.


Knowing how to create the plural from the singular word can double the vocabulary you already know. It can make it easy to have a conversation about different topics by simply knowing some grammatical rules. For example how to change the word “book” to “books” or “woman” to “women”.

Below is a list of singular words and their plural equivalent. I included examples about nature as well as about humans. The table contains 3 columns (English, Dutch, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

Singular vs. Plural in Dutch

English Dutch Audio
Country land
Countries Landen
Lake meer
Lakes Meren
Language Taal
Languages Talen
Woman vrouw
Women vrouwen
Man man
Men mensen
Boy jongen
Boys Jongens
Girl meisje
Girls meisjes

Now we will try to implement some of the words above into full Dutch sentences. That way you will be able to see how both forms are used when embedded in a structure.

Singular vs. Plural in a Sentence

English Dutch Audio
We speak two languages We spreken twee talen
They speak four languages Ze spreken vier talen
I visited one country Ik bezocht een land
She visited three countries Ze bezochten drie landen
She has one sister Ze heeft een zus
He has two sisters Hij heeft twee zussen


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Vocabulary List about Languages, Nationalities, and Countries

Below is a list of 50 words related to languages, nationalities, and countries. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to have a good conversation about how many languages you speak or where you came from.

Languages Nationalities and Countries List in Dutch

English Dutch Audio
Arabic (language) arabisch
Moroccan (nationality) Marokkaan
Morocco (country) marokko
Brazilian (language) Braziliaans
Brazilian (nationality) Braziliaan
Brazil (country) Brazilië
Chinese (language) chinees
Chinese (nationality) Chinees
China (country) china
English (language) engels
British (nationality) Brit
Britain (country) Groot-Brittannië
American (nationality) Amerikaan
America (country) Amerika
French (language) frans
French (nationality) Fransman
France (country) frankrijk
German (language) duits
German (nationality) Duitser
Germany (country) duitsland
Greek (language) grieks
Greek (nationality) Griek
Greece (country) griekenland
Hindi (language) hindi
Indian (nationality) Indiër
India (country) india
Irish (language) Iers
Irish (nationality) Ier
Ireland (country) Ierland
Italian (language) italiaans
Italian (nationality) Italiaan
Italy (country) italië
Japanese (language) japans
Japanese (nationality) Japanees
Japan (country) japan
Korean (language) Koreaans
Korean (nationality) Koreaan
Korea (country) Korea
Persian (language) Perzisch
Iranian (nationality) Iranees
Iran (country) Iran
Portuguese (language) Portugees
Portuguese (nationality) Portugees
Portugal (country) Portugal
Russian (language) russisch
Russian (nationality) Rus
Russia (country) rusland
Spanish (language) spaans
Spanish (nationality) Spanjaard
Spain (country) spanje


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Daily Conversation in Dutch

Finally, a list of sentences about languages, nationalities, and countries plus some bonus phrases. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our Dutch Phrases page. Enjoy!

Common Expressions in Dutch

English Dutch Audio
I don’t speak Korean Ik spreek geen Koreaans
I love the Japanese language Ik hou van de Japanse taal
I speak Italian Ik spreek Italiaans
I want to learn Spanish Ik wil Spaans leren
My mother tongue is German Mijn moedertaal is Duits
Spanish is easy to learn Spaans is gemakkelijk te leren
He has a Moroccan rug Hij heeft een Marokkaanse tapijt
I have an American car Ik heb een Amerikaanse wagen
I love French cheese Ik hou van Franse kaas
I’m Italian Ik ben Italiaan
My father is Greek Mijn vader is Griek
My wife is Korean Mijn vrouw is Koreaanse
Have you ever been to India? Ben je ooit in Indië geweest
I came from Spain Ik kom van Spanje
I live in America Ik woon in Amerika
I want to go to Germany Ik wil naar Duitsland
I was born in Italy Ik ben in Italië geboren
Japan is a beautiful country Japan is een mooi land
Long time no see Dat is een tijd geleden
I missed you Ik heb je gemist
What’s new? Hoe gaat het nu?
Nothing new Alles gaat zijn gangetje
Make yourself at home! Doe alsof je thuis bent
Have a good trip Goede reis

Fun Facts

Language Quote that by simply knowing how to form the plural, you can double the number of nouns in your vocabulary, without having to memorize all the plural form.

Congratulations! You finished your third lesson in Dutch about singular, plural, languages, nationalities, and countries. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Dutch Lesson 4. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Dutch homepage.

Dutch Lessons

Dutch Vocabulary

Dutch Phrases

Dutch Grammar