Learning phrases related to doing tasks in French is beneficial for several reasons:
- Everyday Communication: Knowing phrases related to doing tasks in French allows you to communicate effectively in everyday situations. Whether you’re discussing household chores, running errands, or describing activities, understanding task-related vocabulary is essential for clear and efficient communication.
- Practical Needs: Learning phrases about doing tasks in French fulfills practical needs. It enables you to express your intentions, ask for help, give instructions, or seek guidance when performing various tasks. These skills are valuable for managing daily activities, organizing responsibilities, and engaging in productive conversations.
French | English |
Je dois faire les courses. | I have to do the groceries. |
[responsivevoice voice="French Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Je prépare le dîner. | I am preparing dinner. |
Il est temps de nettoyer la maison. | It’s time to clean the house. |
Je vais laver le linge. | I am going to do the laundry. |
Je dois passer l’aspirateur. | I need to vacuum. |
On doit sortir les poubelles. | We have to take out the trash. |
Je vais ranger ma chambre. | I am going to tidy up my room. |
Il faut arroser les plantes. | The plants need to be watered. |
Je vais promener le chien. | I am going to walk the dog. |
J’ai besoin de repasser les vêtements. | I need to iron the clothes. |
Il est temps de faire du ménage. | It’s time to do some house cleaning. |
Je vais tondre la pelouse. | I am going to mow the lawn. |
On doit remplir les formulaires. | We have to fill out the forms. |
Je dois réparer la voiture. | I need to fix the car. |
Il est temps de faire les devoirs. | It’s time to do homework. |
Je vais faire du bricolage. | I am going to do some DIY projects. |
On doit organiser les dossiers. | We have to organize the files. |
Je vais changer les ampoules. | I am going to change the light bulbs. |
Il faut planifier le voyage. | We need to plan the trip. |
Je dois régler les factures. | I need to pay the bills. |
Il est temps de faire de l’exercice physique. | It’s time to exercise. |