phrases you use around the house in French

Learn phrases you use (Around the house)


Learning phrases used around the house in French is valuable for various reasons:

  1. Everyday Communication: Understanding house-related phrases in French allows you to communicate more effectively in your daily life. It enables you to discuss household matters, express your needs or preferences, and understand instructions or requests related to the home environment.
  2. Household Management: Learning house-related phrases in French helps you manage your own household or living situation. You can discuss repairs, maintenance, and improvements with contractors or service providers. Additionally, you can effectively communicate with landlords, roommates, or neighbors about shared responsibilities, rules, or concerns.
English Phrase French Translation
Turn on the lights Allumez les lumières
Open the window [responsivevoice voice="French Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Ouvrez la fenêtre
Close the door Fermez la porte
Sweep the floor Balayez le sol
Water the plants Arrosez les plantes
Set the table Mettez la table
Do the laundry Faites la lessive
Take out the trash Sortez les poubelles
Clean the bathroom Nettoyez la salle de bains
Cook dinner Préparez le dîner
Feed the pets Nourrissez les animaux
Fix the leak Réparez la fuite
Vacuum the carpets Passez l’aspirateur sur les tapis
Hang the clothes Accrochez les vêtements
Dust the furniture Dépoussiérez les meubles
Empty the dishwasher Videz le lave-vaisselle
Arrange the books on the shelf Rangez les livres sur l’étagère
Change the bed sheets Changez les draps
Paint the walls Peignez les murs
Fix the broken light bulb Remplacez l’ampoule cassée
Clean the oven Nettoyez le four