Subordinate clauses: that phrases in French

Phrases (Subordinate clauses: that 1)


Subordinate clauses, including “that” phrases, are essential in both French and English (and many other languages) for various reasons. Here are some of the main purposes of subordinate clauses:

  1. Providing additional information: Subordinate clauses can be used to give extra details, explanations, or descriptions about a main clause. They help expand on the main idea and provide a more complete picture. For example:
    • English: I know a woman who speaks five languages.
    • French: Je connais une femme qui parle cinq langues.
  2. Expressing cause and effect: Subordinate clauses can indicate the cause or reason for something or show the consequences of an action.
English French
I believe that he is honest. Je crois qu’il est honnête.
She said that she would come later. [responsivevoice voice="Dutch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Elle a dit qu’elle viendrait plus tard.
They know that we are coming. Ils savent que nous venons.
It’s important that you study for the exam. Il est important que tu étudies pour l’examen.
We hope that they will win the game. Nous espérons qu’ils gagneront le match.
He realized that he had made a mistake. Il a réalisé qu’il avait fait une erreur.
She told me that she loves to travel. Elle m’a dit qu’elle aime voyager.
We heard that the concert was fantastic. Nous avons entendu dire que le concert était fantastique.
I’m happy that you’re here. Je suis content(e) que tu sois là.
It seems that it will rain tomorrow. Il semble qu’il va pleuvoir demain.
He is aware that the situation is difficult. Il est conscient que la situation est difficile.
I hope that they can come to the party. J’espère qu’ils pourront venir à la fête.
She mentioned that she wants to learn French. Elle a mentionné qu’elle veut apprendre le français.
It’s clear that he doesn’t like the idea. Il est clair qu’il n’aime pas l’idée.
We are aware that there are challenges ahead. Nous sommes conscients qu’il y a des défis à venir.
I’m afraid that I can’t help you. J’ai peur de ne pas pouvoir t’aider.
He insists that he is innocent. Il insiste sur le fait qu’il est innocent.
It’s a shame that they couldn’t come. C’est dommage qu’ils n’aient pas pu venir.
We heard rumors that they are getting married. Nous avons entendu des rumeurs selon lesquelles ils se marient.
She mentioned that she had already seen the movie. Elle a mentionné qu’elle avait déjà vu le film.