common opposites phrases in French

Learn the phrases (Common Opposites) in French


Learning common opposite phrases in French is beneficial for several reasons. Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Expanding Vocabulary: By learning opposite phrases, you gain a deeper understanding of vocabulary and word relationships. This knowledge allows you to express contrasting ideas and enhance your overall language proficiency.
  2. Improved Communication: Opposite phrases provide you with the tools to express contradictory concepts or opinions, making your communication more nuanced and precise. This skill enables you to engage in more meaningful conversations and express yourself with clarity.
English French
Big – Small Grand – Petit
High – Low [responsivevoice voice="French Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Haut – Bas
Young – Old Jeune – Vieux
Good – Bad Bon – Mauvais
Open – Closed Ouvert – Fermé
Front – Back Devant – Derrière
Full – Empty Plein – Vide
Strong – Weak Fort – Faible
Hot – Cold Chaud – Froid
Right – Left Droit – Gauche
Light – Heavy Léger – Lourd
Clear – Dark Clair – Obscur
Near – Far Proche – Loin
Easy – Difficult Facile – Difficile
Slow – Fast Lent – Rapide
Clean – Dirty Propre – Sale
Happy – Sad Joyeux – Triste
Cry – Laugh Pleurer – Rire
Full – Empty Complet – Vide
Interior – Exterior Intérieur – Extérieur

These opposite phrases in French cover a range of concepts and will help you express contrasting ideas in your conversations or writing. Remember to practice using them to reinforce your language skills.