phrases that use on the train in French

Learn phrases that interest you (On the train)


Learning phrases used on the train in French is important for several reasons:

  1. Travel Experience: Knowing train-related phrases in French enhances your travel experience when using trains in French-speaking countries. It allows you to communicate with train personnel, ask for information, purchase tickets, and navigate various aspects of train travel.
  2. Ticketing and Reservations: Understanding train phrases in French helps you with ticketing and reservations. You can inquire about train schedules, ask about available seats, request specific types of tickets, and navigate the ticketing process confidently.
French English
Où est la gare la plus proche ? Where is the nearest train station?
[responsivevoice voice="French Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Je voudrais un billet aller simple pour Paris. I would like a one-way ticket to Paris.
À quelle heure part le prochain train ? What time does the next train depart?
Où est le quai numéro 3 ? Where is platform number 3?
Est-ce que ce train va à Marseille ? Does this train go to Marseille?
Je voudrais réserver une place en première classe. I would like to reserve a seat in first class.
Quelle est la durée du trajet jusqu’à Lyon ? What is the duration of the journey to Lyon?
Est-ce que je peux utiliser mon billet électronique ? Can I use my electronic ticket?
Où est la voiture-restaurant ? Where is the dining car?
À quelle heure est l’arrivée prévue à Bordeaux ? What time is the scheduled arrival in Bordeaux?
Est-ce que ce train fait des arrêts intermédiaires ? Does this train make intermediate stops?
Quel est le numéro du wagon réservé ? What is the reserved carriage number?
Est-ce que ce train a des prises électriques ? Does this train have power outlets?
Je voudrais un horaire des trains. I would like a train schedule.
Est-ce que vous avez des réductions pour les étudiants ? Do you have student discounts?
Est-ce que je dois composter mon billet ? Do I need to validate (stamp) my ticket?
À quelle heure est le dernier train pour Paris ? What time is the last train to Paris?
Est-ce que ce train est direct ou avec correspondance ? Is this train direct or with connections/transfers?
Est-ce que je peux avoir un siège près de la fenêtre ? Can I have a seat near the window?
Excusez-moi, c’est ma station, je dois descendre. Excuse me, it’s my stop, I need to get off.
  I am late, can I take the next train?