ordinal numbers in Dutch

Learn phrases (ordinal numbers) in the Dutch

Learning ordinal numbers in Dutch is important because they allow you to describe the order or position of something in a sequence. They are used to indicate rank, order, or priority, and are an essential part of Dutch vocabulary. Here are a few reasons why learning ordinal numbers is important:

  1. To describe dates and time: Ordinal numbers are used to describe dates and time in Dutch. For example, “de twintigste eeuw” means “the twentieth century”, and “de eerste dag van de week” means “the first day of the week”.
  2. To indicate rank or order: Ordinal numbers are also used to indicate rank or order, such as in a competition or a list of items. For example, “de derde plaats” means “the third place”, and “het eerste item op de lijst” means “the first item on the list”.
Dutch English
Eerste (1e) First
[responsivevoice voice="Dutch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Tweede (2e) Second
Derde (3e) Third
Vierde (4e) Fourth
Vijfde (5e) Fifth
Zesde (6e) Sixth
Zevende (7e) Seventh
Achtste (8e) Eighth
Negende (9e) Ninth
Tiende (10e) Tenth
Elfde (11e) Eleventh
Twaalfde (12e) Twelfth
Dertiende (13e) Thirteenth
Veertiende (14e) Fourteenth
Vijftiende (15e) Fifteenth
Zestiende (16e) Sixteenth
Zeventiende (17e) Seventeenth
Achttiende (18e) Eighteenth
Negentiende (19e) Nineteenth
Twintigste (20e) Twentieth