Learn Swedish – Phrases (Double connectors)

Phrases (Double connectors)


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Swedish Double connectors

Double connectors, also known as correlative conjunctions, are used in Swedish to connect words, phrases, or clauses that have equal importance in a sentence. These connectors are usually composed of two words that work together to join the different elements of a sentence. Here are some examples of double connectors in Swedish:

  1. Antingen … eller: This connector is used to present two alternatives, where only one can be true. The English equivalent is “either … or”.
  • Antingen går vi på bio eller så går vi ut och äter. (Either we go to the movies or we go out to eat.)
  1. Varken … eller: This connector is used to present two alternatives, where neither can be true. The English equivalent is “neither … nor”.
  • Hon har varken tid eller lust att träffa honom. (She has neither the time nor the desire to meet him.)
  1. Ju … desto: This connector is used to express a relationship between two things, where the first element leads to the second. The English equivalent is “the … the”.
  • Ju mer jag tränar, desto starkare blir jag. (The more I exercise, the stronger I become.)
  1. Inte bara … utan också: This connector is used to present two elements that are both true. The English equivalent is “not only … but also”.
  • Han är inte bara intelligent utan också rolig. (He is not only intelligent but also funny.)
  1. Såväl … som: This connector is used to present two elements that are both true. The English equivalent is “both … and”.
  • Hon är såväl smart som vacker. (She is both smart and beautiful.)
  1. Både … och: This connector is used to present two elements that are both true. The English equivalent is “both … and”.
  • Jag vill både resa och lära mig språk. (I want to both travel and learn languages.)

In Swedish, double connectors are placed between the elements that they connect. They are always composed of two parts, which need to agree in gender, number, and case with the words they connect.

Look at some examples :

Swedish Sentence English Translation
Antingen åker vi till Paris eller så åker vi till London. Either we go to Paris or we go to London.
Varken du eller jag kan lösa det här problemet ensamma. Neither you nor I can solve this problem alone.
Ju tidigare du kommer, desto bättre är det. The earlier you come, the better it is.
Inte bara jag utan också min bror är intresserade av musik. Not only me but also my brother are interested in music.
Såväl min syster som min bror gillar att resa. Both my sister and my brother like to travel.
Både jag och min flickvän tycker om att baka. Both me and my girlfriend like to bake.
Antingen äter vi på restaurang eller så lagar vi mat hemma. Either we eat at a restaurant or we cook at home.
Varken jag eller min kompis gillar att gå på museum. Neither me nor my friend like to go to museums.
Ju mer jag läser, desto mer intressant blir boken. The more I read, the more interesting the book becomes.
Inte bara min mamma utan också min pappa kan laga god mat. Not only my mom but also my dad can cook good food.