Learn Swedish / Phrases (Asking questions 2)

Phrases (Asking questions 2) with sound

😍😍Hi friends 👍👍Don't forget to listen to the pronunciation 😊Learn Swedish easily😊

To ask questions in Swedish, you can use several methods. Here are some common ways to form questions:

  1. Inversion: In Swedish, you can form questions by inverting the subject and the verb. The verb is placed before the subject. This is the most common way to ask questions in Swedish.


    • Talar du svenska? (Do you speak Swedish?)
    • Kommer hon imorgon? (Is she coming tomorrow?)
    • Har ni varit i Stockholm? (Have you been to Stockholm?)
  2. Question Words: Another way to ask questions in Swedish is by using question words. These words introduce a question and are placed at the beginning of the sentence. Common question words in Swedish include:
    • Vad (What): Vad gör du? (What are you doing?)
    • Var (Where): Var bor du? (Where do you live?)
    • När (When): När kommer tåget? (When does the train arrive?)
    • Hur (How): Hur mår du? (How are you?)
    • Varför (Why): Varför gråter du? (Why are you crying?)
    • Vem (Who): Vem är det? (Who is it?)
    • Vilken/Vilket/Vilka (Which): Vilken färg föredrar du? (Which color do you prefer?)


    • Vad heter du? (What is your name?)
    • Var bor hon? (Where does she live?)
    • När är mötet? (When is the meeting?)
    • Hur gammal är du? (How old are you?)
    • Varför gillar han inte kaffe? (Why doesn’t he like coffee?)
    • Vem vann tävlingen? (Who won the competition?)
    • Vilken bok läser du? (Which book are you reading?)
  3. Tag Questions: Tag questions are formed by adding a short question at the end of a statement. The word “eller” (or) is often used in tag questions.


    • Du är svensk, eller hur? (You are Swedish, right?)
    • Det regnar idag, eller hur? (It’s raining today, isn’t it?)
    • Vi ska gå till parken, eller hur? (We are going to the park, aren’t we?)

Remember to use the appropriate intonation when asking questions in Swedish. Rising intonation at the end of a sentence indicates a question.

Practice forming questions in Swedish using these methods and question words to improve your skills. Lycka till! (Good luck!)