Question words in Swedish

Learning question words in any language is an essential skill for effective communication. Swedish question words are relatively straightforward, yet each has its unique usage rules and contexts. For English speakers, many Swedish question words will feel familiar, as they share similarities with English question words. In this guide, we
will delve into each Swedish question word, providing translations, explanations, and examples to illustrate their usage. This resource is intended to boost learners’ confidence in asking questions in Swedish and to support them in building practical conversational skills.
Question words in Swedish
- Vad – What
- Usage: Used to ask about objects, ideas, and general information.
- Example:
- Vad heter du? – What is your name?
- Vad är klockan? – What time is it?
- Vem – Who
- Usage: Used to inquire about people.
- Example:
- Vem är din vän? – Who is your friend?
- Vem pratar du med? – Who are you talking to?
- Vilken / Vilket / Vilka – Which
- Usage: Used to ask about specific choices among options. “Vilken” is used with common gender nouns, “vilket” with neuter gender nouns, and “vilka” with plural nouns.
- Example:
- Vilken bok vill du läsa? – Which book do you want to read?
- Vilket hus bor du i? – Which house do you live in?
- Vilka skor är dina? – Which shoes are yours?
- Var – Where
- Usage: Used to ask about location or position.
- Example:
- Var bor du? – Where do you live?
- Var ligger stationen? – Where is the station?
- Varifrån – Where from
- Usage: Used to inquire about origin or starting location.
- Example:
- Varifrån kommer du? – Where are you from?
- Varifrån fick du den här idén? – Where did you get this idea from?
- Vart – Where to
- Usage: Used to ask about direction or destination.
- Example:
- Vart ska vi gå? – Where are we going?
- Vart är du på väg? – Where are you heading?
- När – When
- Usage: Used to inquire about time.
- Example:
- När börjar filmen? – When does the movie start?
- När är din födelsedag? – When is your birthday?
- Hur – How
- Usage: Used to inquire about manner, method, or state.
- Example:
- Hur mår du? – How are you?
- Hur fungerar det? – How does it work?
- Hur mycket – How much
- Usage: Used to inquire about quantity, usually for uncountable nouns.
- Example:
- Hur mycket kostar det? – How much does it cost?
- Hur mycket tid har vi? – How much time do we have?
- Hur många – How many
- Usage: Used to inquire about countable quantities.
- Example:
- Hur många syskon har du? – How many siblings do you have?
- Hur många böcker läser du? – How many books are you reading?
- Varför – Why
- Usage: Used to ask about reasons or causes.
- Example:
- Varför är du sen? – Why are you late?
- Varför vill du lära dig svenska? – Why do you want to learn Swedish?
Swedish (Svenska) | English (Engelska) |
Vad heter du? | What is your name? |
Vad är din favoritfärg? | What is your favorite color? |
Vem bor här? | Who lives here? |
Vem är ansvarig för detta? | Who is responsible for this? |
Vilken film vill du se? | Which movie do you want to watch? |
Vilket ämne är ditt favoritämne? | Which subject is your favorite? |
Vilka länder har du besökt? | Which countries have you visited? |
Var är mitt pass? | Where is my passport? |
Var kan jag hitta toaletten? | Where can I find the restroom? |
Varifrån kommer du? | Where are you from? |
Varifrån köpte du den här? | Where did you buy this? |
Vart går vi nu? | Where are we going now? |
Vart vill du åka på semester? | Where do you want to go on vacation? |
När öppnar affären? | When does the store open? |
När är din nästa lektion? | When is your next lesson? |
Hur mår du? | How are you? |
Hur gör jag det här? | How do I do this? |
Hur mycket kostar den? | How much does it cost? |
Hur mycket mjölk behöver vi? | How much milk do we need? |
Hur många barn har du? | How many children do you have? |
Hur många språk talar du? | How many languages do you speak? |
Varför studerar du svenska? | Why are you studying Swedish? |
Varför är det viktigt? | Why is it important? |
Vad gör du imorgon? | What are you doing tomorrow? |
Vilken tid ska vi träffas? | What time shall we meet? |
These examples illustrate the range of Swedish question words in context. Practicing them in conversation will strengthen learners’ ability to ask relevant and effective questions, which will undoubtedly aid their mastery of the Swedish language.