The most important lessons in the Swedish language – phrases (to be allowed to)

phrases (to be allowed to)

😍😍Hi friends 👍👍Don't forget to listen to the pronunciation 😊Learn Swedish easily😊

In Swedish, the phrase “to be allowed to” can be translated as “att få lov att” or “att ha lov att.” Here’s how you can use it in sentences:

  1. Att få lov att:

    • Jag får lov att gå ut ikväll. (I am allowed to go out tonight.)
    • Får jag lov att öppna fönstret? (May I be allowed to open the window?)
    • Hon fick lov att använda min dator. (She was allowed to use my computer.)
  2. Att ha lov att:

    • Jag har lov att ta en paus nu. (I have permission to take a break now.)
    • Har du lov att äta godis? (Are you allowed to eat candy?)
    • Han hade lov att komma lite senare. (He had permission to come a bit later.)

In these sentences, “få lov att” and “ha lov att” are used to indicate permission or being allowed to do something. They can be followed by an infinitive verb to express what action or activity one is allowed to engage in.

Remember to conjugate the verb “få” (to get) or “ha” (to have) based on the subject and tense of the sentence.

Listen to the following examples :

Swedish Sentence English Translation
Jag får lov att gå ut ikväll. I am allowed to go out tonight.
Får jag lov att använda din telefon? May I be allowed to use your phone?
Han fick lov att köpa en ny cykel. He was allowed to buy a new bike.
Vi får lov att ta med egna drycker. We are allowed to bring our own drinks.
Får jag lov att öppna fönstret? May I be allowed to open the window?
Hon har lov att vara ute sent ikväll. She is allowed to be out late tonight.
Har vi lov att äta i rummet? Are we allowed to eat in the room?
Jag fick lov att ta en ledig dag. I was allowed to take a day off.
Ni får lov att använda bibliotekets resurser. You are allowed to use the library’s resources.
Får jag lov att presentera mig? May I be allowed to introduce myself?
Han har lov att resa utomlands. He is allowed to travel abroad.
Har du lov att äta godis? Are you allowed to eat candy?
Vi fick lov att byta vårt hotellrum. We were allowed to change our hotel room.
Får jag lov att sitta här bredvid dig? May I be allowed to sit here next to you?
Hon har lov att använda min dator. She is allowed to use my computer.
Har vi lov att ta med kameran? Are we allowed to bring the camera?
Jag fick lov att skicka in ansökan senare. I was allowed to submit the application later.
Får jag lov att låna din bok? May I be allowed to borrow your book?
Han har lov att komma lite senare. He is allowed to come a bit later.
Har du lov att använda bilen i helgen? Are you allowed to use the car this weekend?