negation phrases in Dutch

using phrases (negation1) with sound

Learning negation phrases in Dutch is important because it allows you to express negation or denial in conversations and written communication. Negation phrases are words or phrases used to express the negative or opposite of something, and they are essential for expressing negation in Dutch. Here are a few reasons why learning negation phrases is important:

  1. To express disagreement: In conversations and debates, you might need to express disagreement with someone’s point of view or argument. Negation phrases help you express that disagreement in a clear and concise way.
  2. To indicate the absence of something: Negation phrases are often used to indicate the absence of something or to deny the existence of something.
Dutch English
Geen probleem No problem
[responsivevoice voice="Dutch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Niet waar Not true
Niet zo snel Not so fast
Geen idee No idea
Niet slecht Not bad
Niet echt Not really
Niet goed genoeg Not good enough
Geen zorgen No worries
Niet te geloven Unbelievable
Niet nodig Not necessary
Niet zo veel Not so much
Geen haast No hurry
Niet de moeite waard Not worth it
Niet mijn ding Not my thing
Geen reden om te klagen No reason to complain
Niet geschikt Not suitable
Niet vergeten Don’t forget
Geen enkel probleem Not a problem
Niet helemaal Not entirely
Niet zo slim Not very smart