days of the week phrases in Dutch

Learn Dutch phrases

Learning the days of the week in Dutch can be helpful in a variety of situations, such as:

  1. Planning: Knowing the days of the week in Dutch can help you schedule appointments, meetings, and events more effectively, especially if you work or interact with people in Dutch-speaking countries.
  2. Communication: Knowing the days of the week in Dutch can help you communicate more effectively with Dutch-speaking friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. For example, you can ask someone what they are doing on a specific day or make plans for the weekend.
Dutch English
Maandag Monday
[responsivevoice voice="Dutch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Dinsdag Tuesday
Woensdag Wednesday
Donderdag Thursday
Vrijdag Friday
Zaterdag Saturday
Zondag Sunday
De week begint op maandag. The week starts on Monday.
Vandaag is het woensdag. Today is Wednesday.
Morgen is het donderdag. Tomorrow is Thursday.
Gisteren was het dinsdag. Yesterday was Tuesday.
Wat zijn je plannen voor vrijdag? What are your plans for Friday?
Ik werk van maandag tot en met vrijdag. I work from Monday to Friday.
Op zondag ga ik naar de kerk. I go to church on Sunday.
De winkels zijn op zaterdag langer open. The shops are open longer on Saturday.
Ik sport altijd op donderdagavond. I always exercise on Thursday evening.
Dinsdag is mijn favoriete dag van de week. Tuesday is my favorite day of the week.
Op woensdag hebben we altijd teamvergadering. We always have team meetings on Wednesdays.