Possessive Adjectives in Danish with audio
phrases (Possessive Adjectives1)

Learning possessive adjectives in Danish is important because they are essential for indicating possession or ownership of a particular noun. Possessive adjectives in Danish agree in gender and number with the noun they are modifying, and they are used to clarify who owns or possesses something in a sentence.
Danish | English |
Min bil | My car |
Din bog | Your book |
Hans hus | His house |
Hendes hund | Her dog |
Vores have | Our garden |
Jeres kat | Your cat (plural or formal) |
Deres børn | Their children |
Mit bord | My table |
Din stol | Your chair |
Hans computer | His computer |
Hendes taske | Her bag |
Vores sofa | Our sofa |
Jeres hjem | Your home (plural or formal) |
Deres billetter | Their tickets |
Min datter | My daughter |
Din søn | Your son |
Hans kæreste | His girlfriend |
Hendes far | Her father |
Vores venner | Our friends |
Jeres arbejde | Your work (plural or formal) |