Obligation phrases in Danish

Learn Danish phrases _ ( Obligation )


Learning obligation phrases in Danish is important if you plan to communicate effectively in Danish-speaking environments, such as in Denmark, Greenland, or the Faroe Islands. Obligation phrases are used to express duties, responsibilities, requirements, and rules, which are fundamental to daily interactions, workplace communication, and social relationships.

Danish English Translation
Jeg skal I must
Du må ikke You must not
Vi er nødt til We have to
De bør They should
Det er obligatorisk It is mandatory
Hun har pligt til She has a duty to
Han er påkrævet He is required
I skal ikke You should not
Vi må ikke We must not
De er nødt til They have to
Det bør du gøre You should do that
Jeg har pligt til I have a duty to
Du er påkrævet You are required
Han skal sørge for He must ensure
Vi er forpligtet til We are obligated to
De må gerne They may
Det er nødvendigt It is necessary
Hun bør overveje She should consider
I er ansvarlige for You are responsible for
Vi skal følge reglerne We must follow the rules