zoo phrases in Danish
Learn Phrases you use (At the zoo)

There are several potential reasons why someone might want to learn zoo phrases in Danish:
- Personal interest: If you have an interest in animals or zoos, learning zoo-related vocabulary and phrases in Danish can be a fun and engaging way to explore the language and culture.
- Travel: If you are planning to travel to Denmark and visit a zoo, learning Danish zoo phrases can be helpful for communicating with staff and understanding signs and exhibits.
The zoo is there. | |
The giraffes are there. | |
Where are the bears? | |
Where are the elephants? | |
Where are the snakes? | |
Where are the lions? | |
I have a camera. | |
I also have a video camera. | |
Where can I find a battery? | |
Where are the penguins? | |
Where are the kangaroos? | |
Where are the rhinos? | |
Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)? | |
There is a café over there. | |
There is a restaurant over there. | |
Where are the camels? | |
Where are the gorillas and the zebras? | |
Where are the tigers and the crocodiles? | |