Genitive phrases in Danish

using phrases (Genitive) with audio

Learning genitive phrases is important in any language, including Danish, as they are an essential part of grammar and communication. The genitive case is used to indicate possession, ownership, or a relationship between two things.

In Danish, the genitive case is formed by adding -s to the end of the noun, as in “min brors bil” (my brother’s car). Understanding and correctly using genitive phrases is crucial for expressing relationships between people or objects and for describing possession.

Danish English
min brors bil my brother’s car
[responsivevoice voice="Danish Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]hendes hundes madskål her dogs’ food bowl
vores børns skole our children’s school
hans fars cykel his father’s bike
deres hus’ have their house’s garden
hendes søsters veninde her sister’s friend (female)
min mors taske my mother’s bag
hans bedstefars ur his grandfather’s watch
hans kats legetøj his cat’s toy
vores firmas logo our company’s logo
deres bryllupsdag their wedding day
hendes fars bøger her father’s books
min vens telefon my friend’s phone
hans datters fødselsdag his daughter’s birthday
min nabos bil my neighbor’s car
vores kattes mad our cats’ food
hans chefs beslutning his boss’s decision
deres hus’ tag their house’s roof
hendes kærestes gaver her girlfriend’s gifts
min bedstemors have my grandmother’s garden