Subordinate clauses: that Phrases in Danish
Learn Danish Phrases - (Subordinate clauses: that 1)

In Danish, subordinate clauses that start with “that” can be translated using the conjunction “at”.
For example:
English: I think that he is coming. Danish: Jeg tror, at han kommer.
In this sentence, “that he is coming” is the subordinate clause, and it is translated as “at han kommer” in Danish.
Another example:
English: She said that she would call me later. Danish: Hun sagde, at hun ville ringe til mig senere.
Here, “that she would call me later” is the subordinate clause, which is translated as “at hun ville ringe til mig senere” in Danish.
English Sentence | Danish Translation |
I hope that you are doing well. | Jeg håber, at du har det godt. |
She said that she was tired. | Hun sagde, at hun var træt. |
He believes that they will win. | Han tror, at de vil vinde. |
They announced that the concert was cancelled. | De meddelte, at koncerten var aflyst. |
I think that it’s going to rain. | Jeg tror, at det vil regne. |
She told me that she was running late. | Hun fortalte mig, at hun var forsinket. |
He said that he would meet us there. | Han sagde, at han ville møde os der. |
I’m worried that we won’t make it on time. | Jeg er bekymret for, at vi ikke når det til tiden. |
She knows that he is allergic to peanuts. | Hun ved, at han er allergisk overfor peanuts. |
They explained that the plan had changed. | De forklarede, at planen havde ændret sig. |
I heard that the store was having a sale. | Jeg hørte, at butikken havde udsalg. |
He promised that he would help me. | Han lovede, at han ville hjælpe mig. |
She suggested that we go out for dinner. | Hun foreslog, at vi gik ud og spiste. |
They confirmed that the meeting was at 2pm. | De bekræftede, at mødet var kl. 14. |
I’m sorry that I can’t come. | Jeg beklager, at jeg ikke kan komme. |
She mentioned that she had read the book. | Hun nævnte, at hun havde læst bogen. |
He admitted that he was wrong. | Han erkendte, at han havde taget fejl. |
I’m happy that you are here. | Jeg er glad for, at du er her. |
She realized that she had left her keys at home. | Hun indså, at hun havde glemt sine nøgler derhjemme. |