Subordinate clauses in Danish

Learn Danish - Phrases (Subordinate clauses: if)

Learning subordinate clauses is important because they allow us to construct complex sentences with multiple ideas and relationships between those ideas. In particular, the word “if” is often used to introduce a subordinate clause that expresses a condition.

Subordinate Clause in Danish English Translation
Hvis det regner If it rains
[responsivevoice voice="Danish Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Da jeg var syg When I was sick
Mens jeg spiste aftensmad While I was eating dinner
Fordi jeg har travlt Because I am busy
Selvom det er koldt Even though it’s cold
Inden vi går i seng Before we go to bed
Efter at jeg havde set filmen After I had watched the movie
Så snart du er færdig As soon as you’re finished
Når du kommer hjem When you come home
Hvorfor du græder Why you’re crying
Hvem der vandt kampen Who won the game
At du er her That you are here
For at jeg kan lære dansk So that I can learn Danish
Som jeg sagde før As I said before
Hvilket er min yndlingsfarve Which is my favorite color
Mens vi var på ferie While we were on vacation
Efter at du har vasket op After you have washed the dishes
Hvor længe du har boet her How long you have lived here
Da vi var på stranden When we were at the beach
Inden du går ud Before you go out