Past tense phrases in Danish with audio

Phrases used in the (Past tense 1)

Learning past tense phrases in Danish is important for several reasons, including:

  1. Effective communication: The ability to express past events and actions accurately and fluently is essential for effective communication in Danish. By learning past tense phrases, you will be able to convey your thoughts and ideas more clearly and precisely.
  2. Daily conversations: Danish speakers often talk about past events and experiences in their daily conversations.
Danish English
Jeg talte med ham i går I talked to him yesterday
[responsivevoice voice="Danish Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Han spiste morgenmad kl. 8 He ate breakfast at 8
Hun gik i seng kl. 10 She went to bed at 10
Vi så en god film i går aftes We watched a good movie last night
De besøgte deres bedsteforældre i weekenden They visited their grandparents over the weekend
Du læste bogen i går You read the book yesterday
Jeg besøgte min ven i København i sidste uge I visited my friend in Copenhagen last week
Han fik en god karakter i matematik He got a good grade in math
Hun købte en ny cykel i går She bought a new bike yesterday
Vi spiste aftensmad på restauranten i går We ate dinner at the restaurant yesterday
De rejste til Paris i sidste måned They traveled to Paris last month
Du så godt ud i går aftes You looked good last night
Jeg modtog en gave fra min ven I received a gift from my friend
Han spillede fodbold med sine venner i parken He played soccer with his friends in the park
Hun læste avisen på caféen She read the newspaper at the café
Vi var på stranden hele dagen i går We were at the beach all day yesterday
De besluttede sig for at tage på ferie i Spanien They decided to go on vacation in Spain
Du skrev en e-mail til din chef i går You wrote an email to your boss yesterday
Jeg ringede til min mor i går aftes I called my mom last night
Han besøgte sin bror i weekenden He visited his brother over the weekend