Phrases to use in appointment in Danish
Phrases to use in (Appointment)

Phrases to use in appointment in Danish
Did you miss the bus? | |
I waited for you for half an hour. | |
Don’t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? | |
Be punctual next time! | |
Take a taxi next time! | |
Take an umbrella with you next time! | |
I have the day off tomorrow. | |
Shall we meet tomorrow? | |
I’m sorry, I can’t make it tomorrow. | |
Do you already have plans for this weekend? | |
Or do you already have an appointment? | |
I suggest that we meet on the weekend. | |
Shall we have a picnic? | |
Shall we go to the beach? | |
Shall we go to the mountains? | |
I will pick you up at the office. | |
I will pick you up at home. | |
I will pick you up at the bus stop. | |