phrases you use at the train station in French

Learn phrases you use (At the train station)


Learning phrases used at the train station in French is important for several reasons:

  1. Travel Arrangements: Knowing train station phrases in French helps you navigate the train station efficiently. You can communicate with station personnel, seek information about train schedules, platforms, and ticketing, ensuring a smooth travel experience.
  2. Ticketing and Reservations: Understanding train station phrases in French helps you with ticketing and reservations. You can inquire about available trains, ask for ticket prices, request specific types of tickets, and navigate the ticketing process confidently.
French English
Où se trouve la gare ? Where is the train station?
[responsivevoice voice="French Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Je voudrais acheter un billet pour Paris. I would like to buy a ticket to Paris.
À quelle heure part le prochain train pour Lyon ? What time does the next train to Lyon depart?
Où puis-je trouver les horaires des trains ? Where can I find the train schedules?
Quel est le prix d’un billet aller-retour ? What is the price of a round-trip ticket?
Est-ce que ce train fait une correspondance ? Does this train require a transfer/connection?
Où est la salle d’attente ? Where is the waiting area?
Je voudrais un billet pour un enfant de 6 ans. I would like a ticket for a 6-year-old child.
Quel quai est le train pour Marseille ? Which platform is the train to Marseille on?
À quelle heure est l’arrivée prévue à Bordeaux ? What time is the scheduled arrival in Bordeaux?
Est-ce que ce train a des wagons-restaurant ? Does this train have dining cars?
Où est le guichet pour acheter les billets ? Where is the ticket counter to purchase tickets?
Est-ce que je peux prendre ce train avec mon chien ? Can I take this train with my dog?
Où est la consigne pour les bagages ? Where is the baggage storage/lockers?
Est-ce que ce train s’arrête à Nice ? Does this train stop in Nice?
À quelle heure est le dernier train pour Lille ? What time is the last train to Lille?
Je suis en retard, est-ce que je peux encore monter ? I am late, can I still board the train?
Où puis-je trouver un plan du réseau ferroviaire ? Where can I find a map of the train network?
Est-ce que ce train a des prises électriques ? Does this train have power outlets?
Je voudrais annuler ma réservation. I would like to cancel my reservation.
Quel est le quai d’embarquement pour le TGV ? What is the boarding platform for the high-speed train?